Gaopin is invited to discuss the efficient assembly technology of new energy vehicle drive motor at |

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Motor Assembly & Testing 2018 The 4th Motor Assembly and Test Engineering Conference will be held in Shanghai on July 3 this year.

Xu Shunshi, deputy general manager of Gaopin, was invited to attend this conference and will deliver a speech on the theme of "Drive motor Energy efficient assembly Test Technology", sharing Gaopin's many domestic first technical experience in the industry.

Xu Shunshi, Deputy General Manager of Gaopin, CTO of Intelligent Manufacturing Division of New energy Vehicles

15 years of experience in automation industry, with 30 national patents and 27 software Copyrights

In 2014, set up an international new energy vehicle motor research and development team

Focus on the industry's latest new energy motor assembly and testing technology

Led the team to complete the motor, motor controller and many other related projects of Bosch, Magna and other giants

(Gao Pin part of the invention patent)

Gaopin motor assembly technology can not only meet the existing central drive motor, wheel drive motor assembly and testing requirements, but also fully combined with the development goal of new energy vehicle motor, developed a new generation of new energy vehicle motor assembly and testing technology, layout of future science and technology.

The development goal of new energy vehicle motor: small and lightweight; High efficiency; Better torque characteristics; Long service life, high reliability; Low noise; The price is low.

July 3rd, Shanghai, Star River Bay Hotel

Gaopin and you see each other, together to discuss the new energy vehicle drive motor efficient assembly test technology

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